Today I wanted to share with you a Buddhist story that I was told regarding anger and resentment. You have heard the quote “Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping your enemy will die.” This story illustrates that when someone gives you a gift, you don’t have to accept it. If someone gives you the […]
Eliminate These 20 Things. They Stop You From Winning.
These 20 Things are standing in the way of your success and your ability to achieve. Your job is to eradicate and eliminate them. You define your own success in life and pave your own way. Our ability as humans is sometimes to resist the past, hold grudges, blame other people for our own misfortunes […]
The Less You Respond to Negative People the More Peaceful Your Life Will Become: 4 Ways on How to Stop the Internal Drama.
Why is it that we tend to gravitate towards drama and get seduced by negativity? And things like gossip and criticizing oneself and the flaws in others come so naturally? Let me ask you a question, are you attracting it, OR are you attracted to it? It is not very becoming or evolving is it? […]