The Top 5 Reasons Why You Need to Live Your Life in Integrity.
Warren Buffet said: “In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy.”
Integrity is the foundation of character. People with high levels of integrity will always do their best to strive for excellence (not perfection) in everything that they do. People who live with integrity realize that their life is a self- portrait and everything they do is a reflection of their personal values.
1. Integrity.
Integrity matters and it matters quite a lot in today’s complex world. For me, it is one of the most crucial components of having high moral character. I could NEVER feel good about myself if I didn’t follow through with my word to myself or to others. My word is incredibly important and I don’t take it lightly if I break it. It is a matter of self-trust and the more you keep your word to yourself, the more you trust yourself to make the right decisions for you. Because at the end of the day, you are the one who has to live with yourself. If keeping your word means little to you, then you want to ask yourself some important questions about what is really important in your life.
2. Self-Esteem.
Do you ever feel worthy when you let yourself down or let someone else down by not keeping your word or your promises? People who don’t value themselves will never value you either. You can’t give what you don’t have. You will never have self-worth if you keep jeopardizing yourself or let yourself be controlled or trust people who don’t keep their word. When you break your promises and lie to yourself about it, you will never have any self-respect and diminish any that you have. Don’t cheat yourself out of a life of integrity because you’ve invested trust in people who don’t value you or your word. People who fail to fulfill their promises or their word don’t deserve a part in your story.
3. Trust and Accountability.
Put matter of factly; I don’t trust people who don’t keep their word. It only takes a few times to rally notice who does and who doesn’t. At 35, I have a small circle of trustworthy people in my life and they are steadfast in keeping their word and they are who they proclaim to be. When someone continuously lets you down, you have to evaluate that fact, self-reflect and ask yourself why would you want to spend any time with people that can’t be trusted and what does that say about YOUR character if you are willing to put up with it? At this stage of my life, if you prove to be untrustworthy, I have strong boundaries and I disconnect from these types of people. Life is too short to connect with people who don’t add value to your life in a meaningful way. Friendships and relationships that are deeply valued and connected thrive on trust. It is the cornerstone of a solid relationship.
4. Self-Empowerment.
Self-empowerment is the result of having integrity and living in ways that hold true to our personal values.
The movie the Crucible is a movie where John Proctor is accused of committing witchcraft which was a common theme in that era. However, the only thing he is guilty of is having an affair out of wedlock with Abigail. The climax is that he won’t admit to witchcraft in order to preserve his integrity. He would rather die than lose his integrity than lie in order to save his own life.
This is an example of personal power at the highest level. John Proctor held steadfastly to a strict moral code, where his courage and personal values gave him the bravery to choose death over life. What sort of life is worth living you cannot be true to yourself?
If you are not being true to yourself by breaking your promises and fulfilling your obligations, you will want to explore why that is, what drives that behavior and if it’s helping you or hindering you in accomplishing what you want in this life?
If you want to live an exemplary life of integrity, then take 100% responsibility for your actions.
5. Respect.
People whose word means nothing or little to themselves don’t deserve your attention, your energy or your respect. People whose words mean nothing tend to be manipulative and do things selfishly or to take advantage of you. It doesn’t feel good to be used or manipulated, does it? I know for myself at this stage in the game of life, if someone says they are going to do something, makes a promise and doesn’t keep it, I cut them off. I used to give people more leeway but I noticed when I did, I just got irritated at myself for lowering my standards and they kept doing what they do and I kept allowing them to NOT keep their word. At some point, you have to ask yourself why you keep lowering your standards for people who don’t deserve your time and if you tolerate it, people will continue to do it.
If you are going to be respected by others, you need to mean what you say and say want you mean. Don’t say YES when you really mean NO. Don’t let other people dictate your decisions or sway you especially when it goes against your moral compass. Being trustworthy is a noble character trait, don’t let fear permeate your judgment when being honest and trustworthy. You will never regret being a person who is trustworthy and lives with integrity.
Every job is a self-portrait. You are an expression of the choices you make so autograph your life with excellence.
Promises are easy to make but hard to keep. Next time you say you are going to do something, do it. Because every time you keep a promise, you enact integrity and your character is strengthened.
To a life of excellence and integrity.
It is not always easy, but the rewards and payoffs are always worth it.
Susie G
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